Home Other Wrestlemania 31 Preview: Part Five

Wrestlemania 31 Preview: Part Five

by Jeremy Karp
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All week long, we have been previewing Wrestlemania 31, which takes place later tonight on the WWE Network.

And now, there’s only one match left to preview…

The main event.


BROCK LESNAR vs ROMAN REIGNS: WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Last year at Wrestlemania, Brock Lesnar ended the undefeated streak of the Undertaker. And then months later, at Summerslam, Lesnar flat out dominated John Cena to become WWE World Heavyweight champion, a title he has held ever since. And with his manager, Paul Heyman, at his side, Lesnar has been a force to be reckoned with since he returned to WWE three years ago.

Then, there’s Roman Reigns. The former Shield member won the 2015 Royal Rumble, thus winning a shot to face Lesnar for the title at Wrestlemania 31.

Both are powerful athletes, which means their clash at Wrestlemania 31 should feature plenty of “tests of strength”.

Lesnar and Reigns both have reasons in their favor for why they’d win the title (or in Lesnar’s case, retain) at Wrestlemania, but it’s just a matter of who will. There are reasons to have both win: Lesnar being a marketable champion and “Beast Incarnate”, while Reigns winning the title at Wrestlemania would be just the kick-starter he needs.

Match Prediction:

Jeremy Karp: In the main event of Wrestlemania 31, Brock Lesnar squares off against Roman Reigns with the most prestigious title in wrestling on the line. And just like the rest of the show, the main event has fans really excited. Except for one thing…Roman Reigns is bland and generic. His win at the Rumble was criticized, and the fans have been divided ever since on whether to cheer for Reigns or not.

At “The Grandest Stage of Them All”, Reigns will face the beast, Brock Lesnar, someone with over a decade more experience in the ring than him.

And it’s with that experience that I predict Brock Lesnar will retain his championship against Roman Reigns.


Scott Bachelor: There is no question about this, Roman Reigns is the least exciting WrestleMania main eventer in recent memory; even the Miz had some heavy heat going into his match against Cena at WrestleMania 27. Reigns is supposed to be the next big guy and that is the way he is being billed and the problem with that is the fans in today’s era see right through that. It was clear to me that Reigns was going to be the guy when he kicked out of an RKO at last year’s Summerslam. Not to mention his Royal Rumble win which designed for the sole reason to make him look like he has the ability to beat Brock Lesnar.

The last few months have just been over kill in making an attempt to create the next big star, instead of letting it happen organically IE. Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler. This year’s main event at WrestleMania will be fascinating due to who the crowd is going to get behind. WrestleMania is filled with super fans around the world, fans who respect talent more than character. And there is no denying that Brock Lesnar is a fan favorite. The spectacle that he brings to the WWE hasn’t been seen since the territory days in the 70’s. With all that being said, I feel that the story of Roman Reigns has to end with what Vince has been trying to create for the better part of the last year in a half.

As much as I don’t want him to be the top guy, Roman Reigns will walk out of WrestleMania to a chorus of boos, but nevertheless, he will be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.


Thanks for reading this week long’s preview of Wrestlemania 31, and if you are watching the big event today, enjoy!

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Jeremy Karp is a lead writer and one of the editors for Arch City Sports. A journalist for over five years, Jeremy has written hundreds of articles, and is the host of "The Jeremy Karp Show" on iTunes and Libsyn every week. In addition to hosting multiple podcasts, he has also made radio appearances as well.

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