Home Entertainment Big Head Todd and the Monsters Shined Bright in St. Louis on a Blustery Cold Night 
Far away photo of the whole band performing on stage

Big Head Todd and the Monsters Shined Bright in St. Louis on a Blustery Cold Night 

Saturday, January 19, 2024

by Carrie Zukoski
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While holding my ground, waiting for Big Head Todd and the Monsters to take the stage, a woman standing next to me asked me what my go-to band was. I didn’t have a definitive answer, as it changes depending on various factors, or maybe I’m just fickle. But BHTM is one of the top three I would put into that category. Sure, I was there to photograph the concert, but I’m also a fan and have been for 30-plus years. Have I been to every show of theirs that’s come through St. Louis, seen them in their home state at Red Rocks, or joined one of their cruises? No. But I was very most likely at their first concert in St. Louis at the Hi-Pointe with about 20 or 30 other people (one of whom just happened to go to college with Todd Park Mohr and to high school with me, it is, after all, St. Louis where everyone seems to know everyone). So, there’s more history here than with most of the bands I photograph.

And many at The Pageant packed with fans mostly in the Gen X range, have their BHTM moments dating back decades as well. This now quintet (since 2004) still tours practically nonstop — this being their second time to St. Louis in less than 6 months — that makes it feel like one big extended family reunion when seeing BHTM perform live. 

Their bluesy, soul-filled, jam-rock hits the spot no matter the time of year but made the trip out on this blustery, below-freezing night well worth bundling up to brave the elements. 

On the seventh night of their 29-city winter tour, BHTM performed a stellar 110-minute concert replete with fan favorites such as “Bittersweet,” “It’s Alright,” and “Brokenhearted Savior,” as well as familiar covers including John Lee Hooker’s “Boom Boom” and Looking Glass’ “Brandy” to the delight of every fan in the room. Lead vocalist/guitarist Todd Park Mohr also introduced their newest single, the twangy “Her Way Out,” by saying it was about a girl who told a guy she was breaking up with him because of what he said, but wouldn’t tell him what it was he said. Which garnered a loud, knowing chuckle from the crowd. Not one for much chit-chat, Mohr mentioned twice that The Pageant is one of their favorite venues to perform in. Which, considering how much they tour is quite a compliment.

At the end of this Friday night show full of rainbows and a few unicorns, die-hard fans vied for set lists and this fan determined that, once again, Big Head Todd and the Monsters is her go-to band. 

Big thanks to 105.7 The Point for sponsoring the concert. 

Find more photos: https://bit.ly/BHTMcz24

Setlist https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/big-head-todd-and-the-monsters/2024/the-pageant-st-louis-mo-53acb3a9.html


Todd Park Mohr singing Brian Nevin playing drums Todd Park Mohr singing Rob Squires playing bass Close up of hands playing a steel guitar


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In my work life, I help nonprofits and small businesses with media and public relations. In my what I love to do life, you can typically find me photographing either wild horses or concerts.

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