A modern reimagining of the 90s sports comedy classic from 20thCentury Studios. The film follows two fierce streetball rivals: Kamal (played by Sinqua Walls), a basketball prodigy turned deliveryman, and Jeremy (played by Jack Harlow), a hustler on and off the court. Both facing financial woes, this unlikely duo must set their differences aside and team up to win a million-dollar tournament. A score that big would be the end of their money problems and maybe, just maybe, keep their NBA dreams alive.
May 19, 2023 on hulu.
White Men Can’t Jump | May 19 | Hulu
White Men Can’t Jump, starring Sinqua Walls and Jack Harlow, streaming May 19 on Hulu. Watch White Men Can’t Jump on Hulu!
Mick Lite served for 12 years in the military and is now an entrepreneur and photographer. Has worked as the official scorer and social media manager for the River City Rascals, Statistician for the Missouri Monsters and St. Louis Attack arena football teams, and as the Team Photographer and social media consultant for the St. Charles Chill, SLU Hockey, St. Louis Slam, and Gateway Grizzlies.