Home Baseball What’s Left for the Cards?

What’s Left for the Cards?

Cardinals Remaining Schedule

by Matt Ward

The Cardinals are currently sitting atop the NL Central with about a month and half of regular season baseball remaining. The 2-game clearance of the Brewers right now is all but safe. Here’s a look at the St. Louis Cardinals remaining schedule.


  • Rockies(3 games)
  • @Arizona(3 games)
  • @Cubs(5 games)
  • Atlanta(3 games)
  • @Cincy(3 games)

For the remainder of August, the only team that the Cards will face that have a .500 record or better is the Braves. Navigating the rest of this month should not be an issue. If the Cards can avoid injuries, closing out August with a 12-5 record isn’t unreasonable.

Photo Credit: Colter Peterson/St. Louis Post Dispatch


  • Cubs(3 games)
  • Nats(4 games)
  • @Pittsburgh(3 games)
  • Milwaukee(2 games)
  • Cincy(5 games)
  • @San Diego(3 games)
  • @LAD(3 games)
  • @Milwaukee(2 games)
  • Pittsburgh(3 games)
  • @Pittsburgh(3 games)

Looking even further ahead at the schedule, it’s still not very intimidating. The only games here that are worth noting here are the 6-game west coast stretch before heading into Milwaukee. If the Cardinals pitching staff can continue to produce quality outings and the lineup stays hot, it’s not entirely out of the question to see the Cards finish up the regular season on an 8-game win streak and wrap up a 22-9 record after August.

Photo Credit: Dilip Vishwanat/Getty Images

The Cardinals remaining schedule is an extremely favorable one going forward. They will look to be the favorites quite a bit with what’s left, but there’s a reason that they play the game. This schedule should allow the Cards to extend their division lead, bring home another division title and see playoff baseball.

Just a country boy who loves sports and writing.

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