Home Hockey St. Charles Chill On Ice

St. Charles Chill On Ice

by Press Release

(via Jim Holland, Photo Credit: Mick Lite)

The St. Charles Chill ceased business operations on May 2, according to the team’s website. The apparent shutdown went under the radar during the Central Hockey League finals.

The announcement thanked fans for their support during the Chill’s inaugural (and perhaps only) season in the CHL.

Perhaps because the team is attempting to find new local ownership to keep minor league hockey in St. Charles, a suburb of St. Louis.

The Chill were 11-49-6 this year, finishing last in the 10-team Berry Conference.

You can’t say coach Jamie Rivers (a former NHL defenseman with most of his time with the St. Louis Blues) didn’t try to build a winner, suiting up close to 60 different players at some point in the season.

The Chill also ranked a respectable seventh in the league in attendance with an average of 2,585 fans per game at the Family Arena. Their final two home games drew 4,823 and 6,542 respectively. In March more than 6,800 watched the Chill knock off eventual President’s Cup champion Allen.

That will likely stand as the high point for the Chill, unless new owners can be found to keep the franchise afloat.

That leaves the CHL with nine teams at this point going into the off-season.

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